Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Shayla's first sprinkler adventure!

Friday night we decided to have family fun night. We decided to get out the sprinkler toy and see how Shayla liked it. She has a BLAST!! She was so wet and covered with grass and dirt by the time it was over. Sissy got out there in her bathing suit and played with her, while I took pics and daddy controlled the water. :)

Check out those dirty legs.
She just walked around the yard for an hour, laughing and having a good time. She would fall down, and then get right back up and keep walking. She never stopped moving. I hosed her down before we went inside, but the tub was still full of grass and stuff. She had fun getting dirty. (This was Friday two week ago, since mommy and baby have been very sick all last week. I now feel all human again. ) "Firsts" are so fun!


Linda said...

How fun!

Katherine Ronachert said...

oh my goodness, how chubby and cute she is! i absolutely love it... and alysha is beautiful!