Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Sweetness 8 weeks old

There is a mirror at the top of the swing and she likes to look at herself.

Shayla is now sleeping through the night!! She has a regular routine. (I love routine, btw) She goes down about 8 or 9 and does not get back up until 6 or 7:00 a.m. How Wonderful!! (and I did not even have to add cereal to her milk, like some people advised me to do!) She still takes a bottle every two hours during the day and she is now up to 5 ozs at a feeding. I am going to have to buy big bottles... sniff sniff. She also has outgrown size 0 to 3 and she now wears 3-6 month size.... sniff sniff..... She is growing so fast she barely has time to wear all the clothes she has in each size!! Each new little milestone makes me sad, it all happens so fast.

She still has those arresting blue eyes. They are beautiful. I am just loving this baby. :) We just sit and look at her all the time. Babies are just amazing.

1 comment:

Nilla said...

Love the picture of her looking in the mirror ;). she's starting to get curious!