I was told that once you get diabetes, you get it every time. I was concerned that I passed the test this time, but I was reading up on it and only 33% of women get it the second time around. Only 5 % get it the first time. I did NOT have it with my first or my last, just my middle one... Strange? Shay was just too much for my body to handle. :)
This little man is feisty. He is only 3 lbs now, but he can hurt me - seriously! It is quite painful sometimes, which makes me so nervous cause he is so small. What will it feel like when he is 6 or 7 lbs....
You look fabulous, darling!
Maybe he won't be able to move around so much by then, since it'll be cramped quarters and all that ;). Yay for no diabetes!!! In spite of all that sugar we ate! I think I still have pecan pralines left... I need to find those...
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