Friday, October 22, 2010

Since When.......... it Okay to insult a pregnant lady? People are crazy... old people in particular. The bigger you get, the more people feel like it is acceptable behavior to comment on your size. This was particularly frustrating last time I was preggo, even though I only gained 20 lbs.. that last two months I always got the reaction of "your huge, your gonna go anyday." I am now 30 weeks and my belly is nice and round. I have gained even less lbs with this one, and yet I am getting the SHOCK FACE from people. Twice this week. Once in a department store, the check out lady - who was nice at first - commented on my pregnancy and then asked when I was due... no big deal. (This is normal, see my previous post - the secret club)

She then proceeded to moan and groan and act like she was just shocked.... I got the "you look like your gonna pop any second" spiel. ?? Any second? I was polite, but that kinda stuff ticks me off.

My second encounter this week was at a dollar store. I wait in line ten minutes to buy TWO things - holy crap- and the check out lady is making small talk about my being preggo... blah blah- yes it s a boy.... blah blah.... i have two other girls....blah blah. The usual. The old lady behind me makes a comment about being due soon and I said, "I only have two more months to go." She about blew a gasket, or her last brain cell, heehawing about how HUGE I am and how I am gonna go ANYTIME.

Now, let me ask you... If these people feel it is perfectly acceptable to make these rude and crazy comments to my face, am I obligated to be polite back? there are alot of women who gain LOTS and LOTS of weight... I wonder what they say to them?

I was always nice with the last pregnancy, but now I am older and wiser, or simply more fed up. I absolutely do not think I am going to be able to hold it in. ("It" being my sarcastic responses)

I am not very big.. every time I hear this said all I can think is, "you ain't seen nothing yet, this baby is gonna get big!" He is only 3 lbs, he is gonna get up to 7 or 8. When I have THAT belly, then you can comment. I am short so my belly just goes straight out. :) This little "round mound" I have now is nothing!

I just wonder when it became perfectly normal for perfect strangers to say things like that to your face... seriously?

Here is a side shot pic of me in my jeans and a tight maternity shirt. Shows my belly nice. :)


Linda said...

It's just awful, isn't it? Definitely think up something you can say with a smile that will put them in their place! Once the pastor of a church we belonged to said to a mom of 3 who was announcing she was pregnant, "Don't you know what causes that?" I replied for her, "Of course. Why do you think they keep having babies?" Ha, ha!

Nilla said...

Well, here's my theory: Petite ladies who get preggers probably look like they are big faster, because they DON'T get big all over. You are completely small everywhere, just you have a preggo tummy. So it looks really obvious. So just think of the positive side: you are not big all over, pregnant or not pregnant. You are very obviously pregant. I'm sorry they make such insensitive comments. But try to think of it as a compliment that you are so petite in all other ways that they just have to assume you are very near your due date :). Love you lots! Pic is so cute!