She then proceeded to moan and groan and act like she was just shocked.... I got the "you look like your gonna pop any second" spiel. ?? Any second? I was polite, but that kinda stuff ticks me off.
My second encounter this week was at a dollar store. I wait in line ten minutes to buy TWO things - holy crap- and the check out lady is making small talk about my being preggo... blah blah- yes it s a boy.... blah blah.... i have two other girls....blah blah. The usual. The old lady behind me makes a comment about being due soon and I said, "I only have two more months to go." She about blew a gasket, or her last brain cell, heehawing about how HUGE I am and how I am gonna go ANYTIME.
Now, let me ask you... If these people feel it is perfectly acceptable to make these rude and crazy comments to my face, am I obligated to be polite back? there are alot of women who gain LOTS and LOTS of weight... I wonder what they say to them?
I was always nice with the last pregnancy, but now I am older and wiser, or simply more fed up. I absolutely do not think I am going to be able to hold it in. ("It" being my sarcastic responses)
I am not very big.. every time I hear this said all I can think is, "you ain't seen nothing yet, this baby is gonna get big!" He is only 3 lbs, he is gonna get up to 7 or 8. When I have THAT belly, then you can comment. I am short so my belly just goes straight out. :) This little "round mound" I have now is nothing!
I just wonder when it became perfectly normal for perfect strangers to say things like that to your face... seriously?
Here is a side shot pic of me in my jeans and a tight maternity shirt. Shows my belly nice. :)
It's just awful, isn't it? Definitely think up something you can say with a smile that will put them in their place! Once the pastor of a church we belonged to said to a mom of 3 who was announcing she was pregnant, "Don't you know what causes that?" I replied for her, "Of course. Why do you think they keep having babies?" Ha, ha!
Well, here's my theory: Petite ladies who get preggers probably look like they are big faster, because they DON'T get big all over. You are completely small everywhere, just you have a preggo tummy. So it looks really obvious. So just think of the positive side: you are not big all over, pregnant or not pregnant. You are very obviously pregant. I'm sorry they make such insensitive comments. But try to think of it as a compliment that you are so petite in all other ways that they just have to assume you are very near your due date :). Love you lots! Pic is so cute!
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