Saturday, June 7, 2008

Its getting hot in here.....

The title is actually a song. It is a rap song, and not a nice one, so I won't link it. I have actually never heard it all, I just know the chorus, which talks about taking off your clothes..... hee hee

We have arrived in Alabama. Unfortunately, it was the worst drive up we have ever had. We got started out and noticed the A/C was not cooling very good. About an 45 minutes into the trip it was not cooling at all. In case you did not know, it was HOT today. We were sweating and miserable. The baby was also sweating and so very hot, so we stopped every 45 min to go into fast food places to cool off. What normally is a 4.5 hr trip turned into a 7 hour trip. That's right SEVEN hours. It was so MISERABLE. I have never been so hot! Mom has a temperature thing in her car and at one point in the trip it was 100 degrees outside. Holy crap! It never got below 95 degrees. We were just baking in that car. My sweet baby sweat alot.

On a positive note, she did not cry or fuss at all! When it got so hot and miserable the rest of us were whining, Shay was just laying there being so good. I just could not believe she did not cry. Shay has been the best baby, just laying around playing and entertaining herself all night. I cannot believe it. She apparently can handle the heat, it is the cold she is so sensitive too. She still cries when I wipe her cause the wipes are so cold. What a little trooper.


Nilla said...

Ick! Isn't it wonderful that the a/c only goes out in the worst part of the year? Why not go out when you first start to use the a/c, that way it's not entirely stifling outside and you can get it fixed asap! Also, glad Shay handled it so well ;). Oh, and love that you used Jon's FAVORITE song for your title ;).

Katherine Ronachert said...

i have that song in my head now!!! i was 8 mos preggers while watching my nephew while my husband and sister were painting a friends house. this song was quite popular then and came on frequently. ironically, the house didn't have central air or a window a/c, so it was hot!!!