Saturday, January 3, 2009

8 months

Shayla is eight months old. I cannot believe how big she has gotten. Her latest achievements are as follows:

She is pulling herself into a standing position. She can do it pretty much anywhere she can get a good hold: the couch, her playtable, my legs, her crib. She is a strong little thing.

She still is crawling - in limited amounts. She does not crawl very far. She is such a laid back baby. She is just not in any hurry for anything. She has never crawled off the big blanket I keep on the floor. She crawls around all over it, but never off of it.

She is in size 4 diapers. FYI - the bigger the size diaper you use, the LESS diapers you get in the pack. Of course, the price is still the same, less for my money.

She can wave at you. It is so cute. Sometimes her hand is turned the wrong way and she is "waving" at herself.

She loves to eat big girl food. She is in size two food. Her favorites are sweet potatoes, squash and bananas. She actually loves that rice cereal - plain. I don't mix anything in it, she likes is plain. It looks like mush to me. She eats three times a day now. We are in a nice routine. (and you know how I like routine)

She now has two teeth in the bottom front. I will say that teething was a hellacious experience. My sweet-happy-go-lucky girl morphed into this fussy-crying-unhappy-inconsolable baby. She just fussed all the time, never smiled and stopped sleeping through the night. This went on for weeks. She seems to be all the way back to normal now. She smiles, plays independently and most importantly she sleeps all night long - twelve hours a night.

She talks alot now. She makes all kinds of cute sounds with her tongue and coo's alot. I like this.

She gets mad now when you take her toy away. Her little personality seems to be coming through.

What a big girl she is!! Pics coming soon!!!

1 comment:

Nilla said...

I'm looking forward to the pictures! I just can't believe all that she is doing! So cute that she doesn't crawl off the blanket! And the waving thing sounds adorable. You should get that on video and post it :).