Thursday, January 22, 2009

Daddy does it better

Last week I had the opportunity to work everyday but Monday. My husband was off and I got the assignments, so I took them! I left the house at 6:30 and did not get home until 3:30. This is the first time Jon has been at home full-time with the kids like this. I knew he would be fine, because Alysha can take care of Shay as good as I can. (Jon had never even fed Shay baby food before.)

Everything seemed to be going fine and after two days of being gone, I asked Alysha how dad was really doing. (when daddy was out of ear shot.) She told me he was doing great, in fact, he was doing it better than I did. Better, Better, Better! I could not believe she said that, I mean, nobody does it better than mommy!! As my righteous indignation started to subside, I asked her just how in the world she thought such a thing. Her explanation was simple - He was less stressed.

The more I thought it over, the more I could see just how daddy could do it better. Daddy's one and only responsibility was to take care of Shay. He did NOT have to clean the house, do the laundry, home school alysha, cook dinner, or any other the the million different errands I have to do daily. In fact, all Jon did was lay around and take care of the baby. Sure, he was not stressed, what is there to be stressed about? I, on the hand, run around the house taking care of my family and juggling all my responsibilities - plus taking care of a baby full-time. I can see how daddy-o was less stressed than mommy.

Jon enjoyed himself so much he wants to be a stay at home daddy. He liked it. I wonder how much he would like it if he was required to do all the other stuff that goes along with staying at home........


Linda said...

You have hit the nail on the head, Julie! It's not the baby or toddler, it's homeschooling 3 others, lesson plans and grading included, the laundry, the meals (planning as well as cooking), grocery shopping, cleaning. Then add anything extra you do (working part-time, paying bills - for me it's our personal stuff, the rental, and Greg's brother's business, etc.), ha! Greg couldn't do it all, no way!

BTW, love the new blog background.

Nilla said...

Hahahaha... Yep, that's the question :).

And fear not... You have amazing mommy and wifey skills. I've known you 10 years now, and so I know of what I speak :).

But this was really too hilarious. Funny Alysha.

Lysha said...

Uh, Whatever! I didn't say that daddy did it better! I just said that daddy was really good with shayla and he didn't get AS stressed out as you do. :D

Katherine Ronachert said...

yup easily more relaxed when it's just taking care of the children... thanks for the laugh!