It seems unreal shayshay is now nine months old. She will be ONE before I know it!
Some things about her:
She can wave "hi/bye"
She loves her sissy the "mostest"
She crawls all over the place now. It is so cute. She is really not "into" everything like I thought she might be. She is checking out the world around her, but in a lazy sorta way. She will crawl around then sit down and look at you. She will follow me when I leave the room. I like it. When I go cook, she crawls in there and I give her a pot to play with. She just sits with me wherever I am and plays.
She pulls up on everything and can walk holding onto furniture
She is using the sippy cup now.
She understands the word "no"
She loves for me to read to her. She just sits really intently and listens so hard. It is so cute!
She loves the Patty-cake rhyme
She is also in a great routine:
8 - 8:30 wakes up and eats breakfast (bottle and cereal)
10 - 10:15 Nap time for one hour
12:00 lunch (bottle and a veggie)
2-2:15 nap time for an hour
3:30 - 4:00 Bottle
6:30 - 7:00 dinner (bottle, cereal, fruit)
8:30 - 9:00 bedtime
This is how my days go by.... like sand through the hourglass...
*On a mommy note: I love this age. I feel more "human" again. She is easy and I can now juggle 5 things at once and not be overwhelmed. This month I started exercising again. (if you read previous posts, I just could not rub two minutes together for myself for the first half of her life.) Many times taking shay and walking the block. Since it has been cold, I have been making good use of my treadmill. I went to the doctor today and I have lost three pounds! Of course, I have been eating healthier too, and less food, so that makes a difference. All in all, I feel good. I feel more on top of everything, which feels great.
She is standing, holding onto my laundry basket, slowly dumping out the clothes, piece by piece.
She is so happy! Love the pictures! And how fun to read little tidbits about her and her personality! (Those personalities sure do develop fast!).
...'These are the days of our lives....' Hahahaha :).
such a cute little girl!
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