Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Traditions and memories of the Nilla/Bean

On a whim, while Hila was visiting, we decided to get our pics made together, since it had been exactly ten years. What a great new tradition and what a fun memory.



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Ten years later
we look pretty good
if I do say so myself.
I look really tan (which makes Hila seem Mighty whitey). I think it was the lighting.


Nilla said...

Love it!!!! Awesome picture. Though, YES, I look way white!!! Whiter than 10 years ago, that's for sure... I think I finally remember how the 10 year ago pose was. Too bad I didn't remember when we were getting these pictures done :)! But oh well... Great picture anyway (though I was sad that the gray hairs on my head are noticeable :( )... Loveya lots!! And I still think this is a most awesome tradition!!!

Katherine Ronachert said...

great pictures! you guys age like a fine wine!

Nicole said...

You gals are definitely holding up well! Gracie is doing the summer reading program at the library. I think about you every time we go in there. Hila too!