Sunday, May 16, 2010


Seems like I never write much anymore, just putting up pictures. So here is an update of our lives:

Jon moved rank this month. He was very proud. MK2 Sund. Great job Jon!! Our pay also goes up, which will be nice.

Our kitty, Lucky Sunshine Sund, ran away. He has been a member of this family for over four years. He has only gotten out of the house twice and the second time he breaks free, he gets lost. We looked everywhere and put up posters. I even went to the pound, but no luck. He is gone.

Last week was alysha's final week of school! She just graduated ninth grade. I learned how to figure a GPA and made her a transcript. All very cool! She will continue to do spanish through the summer, simply because I do not want her to forget all she has learned. We used Rosetta Stone and I have really liked it.

My uncle died this weekend. He will be greatly missed. I wish I could travel up there for the funeral, but it is not possible with all going on in our lives.

We had no luck selling the house. Something we are praying about. My husband and I do not see eye to eye. I am leaning towards a short sell, he is not on board. But, the bottom line is that we will never sell for anything near what we have in it. I always thought people who foreclosed or did short sells, were people who went out and bought a house they cannot afford. We can afford this house, we can make the payments. The problem is that we are military and we will be forced to move in the next year and we cannot make this payment and a house payment in another place too. We cannot rent it out for what we need to make it either. It is quite a rough place to be - stuck between a rock and a hard place.

We still have no word on if we will get orders or not. We might move in August, we might move next year. There is a few million different ways this could pan out. We are just waiting and praying.

We are trusting in the Lord for all our decisions.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, Lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make thy paths straight."

Life is hard, but God is good.


Linda said...

One thing to know about a short sale is that you will get a 1099 for the amount the bank forgave on your mortgage. For example, if you owed $160,000 but you only sold the house for $140,000, you would get a 1099 for $20,000 which you would have to claim as income on your taxes. I think I would wait to be sure whether you're getting orders or not. If you don't, the housing market may be a lot better next year. I can commiserate; we're in a very tough spot right now and I have no idea how many more mortgage payments we'll be able to make.

Nilla said...

Oh Julie! I didn't realize your uncle had passed! I'm so sorry for you guys -- and especially your mom. I'm thinking of you -- you're in my prayers. And you will have the divine direction you need. No doubt. You certainly have proof of divine intervention -- whether you think it's divine or not ;). Love you girlie! Miss you!

Katherine Ronachert said...

sorry for your loss.
there is some sort of military housing bill?, but i can't remember what it is. but something like the govt will buy back the house for what it's worth. not sure, we looked into it last year, but i can't remember the details.
good luck either way. it'll work out, even if it's not the way you initially thought! that's one of my favorite scriptures, btw