Sunday, October 26, 2008

I found my feet!!

This baby lays around and plays with her feet all the time now. She can now officially put her big toe in her mouth. She likes to put her little feeties in her mouth. :) So cute. (And an addition to the list in my previous blog about things you can do as a baby, but not so much as an adult - lol)

How sweet is that face?

She is laying in her crib. She likes to play in there during the day. That gives me even more time to do housework! She is so easy to take care of. I think it will be cool when she can sit up on her own without falling over.
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Nilla said...

My goodness she's getting big! I hope you had a great weekend :).

Anonymous said...

Hey Julie-
I found your blog through Hila's... Your girls are gorgeous! I know that you and Jon must be so proud. It's hard for me to believe that Alysha is just a few years younger than you were when you came to work at the library. Ughh! Where does the time go? Hope you don't mind me stalking... Anne

juliebean said...


stalk away!! Time does fly. I cannot believe alysha is taller than me!!