Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I found these two lists in my handy-dandy notebooks. This is too funny. The first one I wrote while at the end of my pregnancy (the last three weeks):

Pregnancy woes

1. Spend more time on the throne than on the couch
(seriously, we went through toilet paper like crazy!)

2. walking freak show in public
(Everyone just stares at you everywhere you go, although they do not mean anything negative by it. People like to look at pregnant women. It still makes you feel like your a walking display.)

3. breathing is no longer easy
(I was panting at the very end, breathing hard the whole time)

4. changing positions in bed is a major ordeal
(rolling from one side to the other, or even from side to back was so much work)

5. walking around is an impression of a slow turtle or fat whale
(these are the nice nicknames my oldest gave me there at the end. We still laugh about how LONG it took for me to walk from the car to the front door. haha)

This list was so funny to read now. I loved being pregnant until the very last few weeks and I was just so uncomfortable! I will say number one applied to the whole pregnancy though. :)

My other list I made shortly after Shaylily was born.

Great things about being a baby

1. Going up sizes in clothes is a great and exciting thing.
(Not so much when you an adult.)

2. slobbering is cute
(swallowing is not a priority)

3. When you have a bad day, everybody does
(which I think can still happen as adults, its easy to make everybody miserable when you are)

4. Whole world revolves around you
(when your a baby, that is how it should be, when your older.....)

5. Fat rolls are CUTE!
(As an adult it is called a spare tire - not so attractive)

6. Your smile is contagious!
(when a baby smiles and laughs, you just cannot help but smile too)

7. You always look good naked
(This also does not apply to adulthood. tee hee)

These I found today and thought it was funny. I have two matching notebooks and a pen that matches them. I keep lists of things, some more important than others. I some other lists I might share later. Do you have any additions to these list?


Katy Sund said...

Ok for pregnancy woes I would like to add that in the end your tummy begins to look as though a contortionist is living inside and it's extremely uncomfortable.
For great things about being baby... no matter what you do and no matter how bad you smell everybody wants to hold you... not so much as an adult. ;)

Nilla said...

Hmmm... I can't think of any additions. Well, I've always said that kids don't know how good they have it that they are encouraged to take naps during the day. For most adults, that kind of goes away, and not by choice ;).

I like your lists! And I like coming across my old lists too! Brings back memories sometimes :).

Katherine Ronachert said...

i love the preggers list!!! i can't remember pregnancy too much. it's a beauty the art of forgetting!