Monday, March 31, 2008

Doctors orders

I went to see the doctor today, same old routine. First things first, I climb up on that evil contraption they call a scale to see my damage. I only gained half a pound since my last visit three weeks ago. The doctor did not seem pleased, but I informed her it was due to the "Prison Diet" I am currently forced to adhere to. She did not laugh. I thought it was funny, and a little bit true. Bread, cheese, and water are my main food groups.

I informed her of all the wonderful things that happened to me yesterday and I got the most wonderful advice. Eat more. I can follow those doctors orders! She seemed to think my fainting spell was due to low blood sugar and that I am not eating enough. I need to add more proteins and carbs to my diet. She said that there is no too low with pregnant women because the problem is never not enough sugar, but too much, so they don't give a range. But she definitely said it was extremely low Sunday. She also did a physical exam since I was having all those contractions and I am one centimeter dilated and 40% effaced. Everything else was all good. I go back in two weeks and then I will start going weekly.

We then went to Moe's and got some lunch. It was mmm..... Good! I had some nachos all the way and half a chicken club quesadilla. I checked my blood sugar two hours later and I am right on track. It was low actually. I think my body needs some sugar. I might just go get me a piece of cake, a piece the size of my fist!! I am definetly gonna relax a little bit more on my diet cause my blood sugar is not out of control at all. We also went to the FreshMarket while we were there. This was Alysha's first time in one of these stores. If you have never been to one, they are AWESOME!! I love that place. Alysha loved it too, she has never seen so many different kinds of cheese! They literally have over fifty of them. The desserts are fabulous. Alysha and I decided that after the Shayla gets here we are gonna go get us a big piece of something sweet.

On a sad note, Jon fried out home computer. I do not know if I will be able to upload a new pic every week. I was gonna start doing a weekly pic until Shay gets here. I lost all my other pics and lots of other stuff.


Nilla said...

Glad you got good news from this doctor's visit :). And yeah, the FreshMarket is so cool!

Nicole said...

I wanna go to the Fresh Market!! Take me!!! and Ohhhh... It is getting closer! 40% effaced is GOOD! I was only 1 cm dialted when my water broke!