Saturday, April 26, 2008

contractions and doctors visit

It has been an exciting two days. Thursday night about 9:00 I started having contractions. They kept coming and they got to be 10 -15 minute apart for over two hours, so I called Jon at work and told him to come on home a little after midnight. The contractions kept coming, until about 3:00 a.m. and then they slowly tapered off. So disappointing!! I just knew we were gonna have little Shayla! It was just like when I had alysha.

I had my scheduled doctors appointment Friday. All is well, I had lost a pound. I think I am just fluctuating water weight. I do not believe I actually lost a pound, I eat to much. :) That means I have gained 19 pounds so far. Not to bad.

The doctor did an exam and I have not dilated ANYMORE. All those contractions for nothing, all that pain. sigh. Oh well. I did get great news though. He went ahead and scheduled my induction for May 5th. That is three days past my due date. Gives me time to go into labor naturally, but ensures I will not go to far past my date. I am very happy. It feels good to have a plan. Everything else was fine.

Unfortunately, my feet have started swelling really bad this week. Ouch! They hurt alot and I have to elevate them at night so they will not ache. I also have a pinched nerve in my right leg that is EXTREMELY painful. (called sciatica, I think?). It feels like someone takes an ice pick and jams it into my nerve, it stops you dead in your tracks. OH MY GOSH it hurts. I just stop -moving and yell, no matter where I am, in wal-mart or at home. The joys of pregnancy. My consolation is that it is almost over!! I am in the home run stretch!!!!!!!!!


Katherine Ronachert said...

i can sympathize with the nerve pain. i had it "attack" several times with my last child and literally almost landed on my fat pregnant rear. good luck!

Nilla said...

39 weeks! Isn't that wild?!?