Monday, April 14, 2008

super woman

Yesterday was the best day. I had a sudden and amazing burst of energy. I just HAD TO CLEAN something. I tackled my bathroom first. I was on my hands and knees scrubbing baseboards, with energy to spare. I cleaned that shower like it has never been cleaned. Then I moved on to the kitchen. I still have the strength of ten men. I started at the bottom and worked my way to the top. I scrubbed cabinets inside and out. My refrigerator is so clean you could eat right off the shelves. My counters are so shiny you can see actual sparkles. :) Not that any of this stuff was in really bad shape, but it needed a good scrubbing. I felt like leaping tall buildings in one single bound. I also got the manual out and figured out how to use my self cleaning oven. It was the most awesome feeling ever!! I never got tired or achy, like I always do, WOW!! It was like a natural high.

Then I had contractions through the night. Ha ha. Real ones, painful ones. They have since stopped, but I had some. Jon was totally freaking out a little bit. He is so cute. He left for work today, does not come back until Wednesday. He has already called twice to check on me.

According to my mother, that big burst of energy is good indication that you are going into labor soon. I have another good indication, the baby has dropped. I mean DROPPED! The change in my tummy from last week is noticeable. I feel so much better because breathing is no longer a problem. I could have carried like this the whole time!! This is great, I like her way down.

Today I am tired though, back to normal. No supernatural feats of wonder today. Maybe Shay will make her debut this week. That would be right on time for me. I know all pregnant women say this, but I was hope to go btw 38-39 weeks. Just because of my fear of her getting to large. The say your second baby is normally bigger than your first, then with my diabetes...... waiting until May 2 does not sound good to me. I mean, I know I still might, but I would be OK with going a week or two early. I will hopefully have another ultra sound this week to check the baby's growth. Make sure Shayla isn't getting to big in there.


Nilla said...

Yay! I love having new stuff to read :). You really did do a lot of cleaning!

Nicole said...

Definitely means there will labor SOON!!! OMGoodness! I am really excited for you! Let me know ASAP

Katherine Ronachert said...

get ready! (but fyi with my first i had the whole nesting instinct hit 1 month before he made his debut)